productive industries today fall under the scrutiny of selective
environmental regulations. Various states have enacted laws that
require discharges, both air and water, to be monitored and sampled.
Industries ranging from the oil and gas industry to chemical plants
and medical centers are required to meet or exceed environmental
compliance statutes. Hydro-Environmental Technology, Inc. (HET)
has conducted and successfully completed permits that range from
Louisiana Water Discharge Permits to permits for Commercial Salt
Water Disposal Well facilities. Having a working knowledge of state
and federal regulations allows HET to complete any permit or compliance
need in the most effective manner.
Louisiana Water Discharge Permit System (LWDPS)
USEPA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Spill Prevention and Control (SPC) Plans
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
Waste Water Discharge Construction and Abandonment Permits
Weir Design and Instrumentation Monitoring
Effluent Sampling of Wastewater Treatment Systems
CERCLA and RCRA Part B Compliance
Groundwater Monitoring Plans
Commercial Salt Water Disposal Well Permits (UIC-2)
United States Coast Guard (USCG) Facility Response Plans (OPA-90)
USCG Facility Security Plans
Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)
Hydro-Environmental Technology, Inc. (HET) currently operates
numerous individual groundwater treatment systems in the state
of Louisiana. Each system has a discharge permitted by the NPDES
and/or municipality permit system, and the groundwater treatment
systems are maintained and operated by HET personnel on a regular
Confidential Client - maintaining NPDES permits, storm water permits,
and complete pollution prevention plans for twelve (12) facilities
in the states of Louisiana and Texas.
Confidential Client - Developed Generic Best Management Practices
(BMP) Plan for 13,760 locations to allow single point discharge
approved by both the USEPA and the LDEQ.
Confidential Client - Developed NPDES permit and Department of
Health and Hospitals permit for both wastewater and municipal
water supplies at a large scale salt mine in southern Louisiana.
Confidential Client - Prepared numerous United States Coast Guard
Security and Response Plans, including Facility Security Plans,
Facility Response Plans, Mobile Facility Response Plans, Vessel
Security Plans, and Vessel Response Plans, for Dockside facilities
located along the Gulf Coast.