Mr. Watts received his Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from the University of Southwestern Louisiana (now known as the University of Louisiana at Lafayette) in 1989. He began his professional career as a Geologist with a soil testing and well drilling and installation firm and has hands-on knowledge of various types of drilling rigs and equipment, along with appropriate well construction and installation methods. Upon joining Hydro-Environmental Technology, Inc. in 1991, Mr. Watts has been in charge of drilling rig equipment procurement and operations, serves as the signature authority for Hydro-Environmental Technology, Inc.’s Water Well Contractor license WWC #416, and is extremely knowledgeable of the LADOTD and LDEQ Regulations concerning wells and geotechnical borings. Mr. Watts is a licensed Professional Geoscientist in Louisiana (#508).
Mr. Watts completed the 40-hour Hazardous Worker Course, Levels B, C, and D, in 1990 and participates in continuing education by attending 8-hour refresher courses annually. Based on his training, Mr. Watts would be considered a Certified Hazardous Waste Supervisor.
Mr. Watts has worked extensively as a Project Manager at numerous UST facilities regarding UST closures under closure license number C-0724, UST contamination assessments (soil and groundwater), and UST RECAP Evaluations. He is responsible for investigation plan preparation with costs and submittal to the LDEQ for approval and for field implementation of investigations. He conducts and supervises drilling, sampling, and the preparation of geologic boring logs. He is experienced in field investigations regarding the evaluation of vertical and horizontal extent of contamination and appropriate well and boring placement locations. Mr. Watts has demonstrated effectively the completeness of field investigations by compiling field and laboratory data into a final report that characterizes the contaminant plume at a site.
Mr. Watts is the Project Manager for numerous groundwater monitoring sites, which includes the compilation of groundwater data on a quarterly basis, preparation of groundwater flow and contaminant plume maps, and the preparation of Groundwater Monitoring Reports for submittal to the LDEQ.
Mr. Watts also has monitored, sampled, and closed numerous oilfield locations under Louisiana Statewide Order No. 29B and LDEQ RECAP Program and is experienced in providing litigation support, including geological expertise, hydrogeological determinations, and site evaluations. He has extensive knowledge of the near surface geological conditions in Southwestern Louisiana, North Central Louisiana, and Northwest Louisiana.